Thursday, November 10, 2011

William's First Homework

The sweetest boy goes to Mother's Day Out at a church in our neighborhood.  This week, he came home with the first homework of his life. School sent home this tiny green box.  I may have mentioned to William that it was the size of a raisin box (oops.)  It actually was a raisin box covered in green tape. The assignment was to find something that fits in the box, and bring it back next time to share in "circle time". I said "Ok, William, you need to find a toy or something that fits in this box."  He tried several cars and trains, and each time I asked "Does that fit in the box?" He said "Nooo!"  So I say, "Well, what do you think is tiny enough to fit in this box?"  And he says "Raisins!"  So.... his teachers went through all of the trouble to 'cover up' the raisin box... and we put raisins right back in it. To his credit, they fit.

Mostly so that I remember, this is him in his all-time-favorite "cars jammies" as he calls them. Even though they are getting too small, he asks if they are clean every night. Maybe Santa will bring some new ones. And... he doesn't feel like himself. He always sucks those two fingers when he feels tired or crummy.


M. Roberts said...

Sweet boy! I'm so sad he is not feeling well. Hugs and kisses from his Mimi teacher, who would definitely give that boy a 100 on his homework!

Celani said...

That is too cute! At least he asked to put raisins inside instead of M&M's!

Annie said...

sweet boy. i just love him.