Monday, November 8, 2010


Although this shouldn't surprise anyone, I'm not the best disciplinarian. Mostly because I have the hardest time not laughing at all of the cute things my son does.  Tonight, for instance, he was throwing food off of his tray at dinner.  Now, this does frustrate me, and I think this is an excellent example of something a 15 month old should be disciplined for.  So, when he threw the food, I looked him in the eye, pointed my pointer finger right at him and said sternly "No, no. Don't throw food. Keep it on your tray or in your mouth."  And do you know what he did?  He took one look at my finger pointed in his face, then took his pointer finger and pressed it against mine, finger-tip to finger-tip (think ET).  I melted. It was so cute and funny I had to giggle.

And, here are a few Halloween pictures of our little Astronaut... and one from last year. I can't believe how much he's grown up!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

OMG - so cute - he has grown so much!