Thanks to all of you friends and family who read this blog! I recently made the blog private because of a little incident with 'Google Alerts' - not because I don't want any of you to read!
Google Alerts are email updates of the latest relevant Google results (web, news, etc.) based on your choice of query or topic. You tell Google Alerts which topic you are interested in, and you provide your email address. Google searches the web, and each it finds the topic you listed, it sends a notification to your inbox. I have one set up for my company name (and so do most of the 1,800 employees) so that I can learn when and how my company is 'in the news.' And... a couple of weeks ago, a Google Alert for my company's name picked up MY blog (because I have the company name listed in my profile.) This means that MANY of the employees got an email with a link to my blog!
I am such a private person (blogging for friends and family is a big step for me anyways) and I was SO embarassed! Alhtough I love my company and my colleagues, I didn't intent this blog to be a company-wide event. Thus, taking the blog private is my attempt to keep some sense of privacy - a rare commodity in this informtion age!
But I love that you are here, and I love your comments! Read on.... and if you know of someone who read the blog but who has not gotten the invite, just let me know (preferrably, send me their email address) so that I can add them to the list!
And certainly, thanks so much to my sweet friend who provided the tip on how to make this blog private - you know who you are! I think you are a blogging guru and goddess, but I will not announce you to the world, for fear that you would become a blogging 'help desk'!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Saturday, September 5, 2009
7 week photo shoot
So... we had William's pictures taken this week - by Chris W, who did our wedding a little over 3 years ago! We love the pictures and a few highlights include:
- Us learning that Wiliam does NOT like being undressed
- William peeing on me - twice. Thankfully, I had a change of clothes with me - which prompted Philip to call me a Boy Scout. Hey, there is nothing wrong with being 'always prepared.'
- Having to feed the little man in the middle of the session (thanks for being patient, Chris!) It's a good thing I was 'prepared' with a bottle
We understand the strong possibility that William will soon be rolling his eyes with embarassment at everything his parents do... and thus, we are trying to get in all of the family portraits and sweet kisses while we still can!
Here are a few of my favs: