William has turned 6 months! He has passed many milestones since my last post (I guess that happens in 2 months...)
- He had his first Christmas
- He cut his first tooth! It's peaking through on the lower right side of his mouth - just one.
- He sits up! As with many milestones, it's hard to pinpoint when he first sat up, but it started around his 6 month b-day. And I know for sure that he can sit up on his own now (although I still stay nearby to catch him... he usually only makes it about 10-15 seconds without teetering!) He is still completely uninterested in rolling over. He has yet to do so on his own initiative, without prodding from me! Maybe we will be skipping that milestone - according to William's Lollie, Philip didn't roll over either!
- He says "da da da". He doesn't know that he is saying it, but this is one of the first syllables he has babbled that sounds like a word - and what a special one! The other babble of his that sounds like a word is "hi"... he is like a little parrot, and usually responds to a "hi" with a hi-like babble!
As of Jan 21, William has a new potential wife! Zoe Mae was born and is happy and healthy - praise God! And as of yesterday, I am now 28 (56 times older than William). I had the perfect birthday. Just having William would've made the day great, but Philip also took me to lunch and dinner. He brought me roses and a new dress. And, William's Lollie and his Mimi and Papa came over to visit. What a special day!
Here he is with Santa, with his favorite Christmas present (the wrapping paper), and in his blue footies - the way I always want to remember my baby boy!